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                Solar umbrella manufacturer:What should you pay attention to in the maintenance of solar umbrella

                2021-11-04 598

                  What should you pay attention to in the maintenance of solar umbrella

                  1、 Learn its correct opening method. If you don't understand, you should refer to the product manual and can't use brute force.

                  2、 Understand its correct use and cannot use it as a weapon.

                Solar umbrella manufacturer

                  3、 In the process of application, the umbrella cloth is stained with ash layer and can be cleaned with clean water. (the umbrella cloth cannot be extended on the ground, which will cause damage)

                  4、 After cleaning, the umbrella cannot be stored immediately when there are water stains. It should be dried in a ventilated place, otherwise the tarpaulin will be moldy and the umbrella frame will be rusted.

                  5、 After the use of the solar umbrella, it should be placed well. Heavy objects should not be pressed on it. It should be put on when it is packaged

                       Article from:Solar umbrella manufacturer/

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